Easy Tea® capsules

No time and patience to brew tea? 

Don’t want to drink so many cups of coffee a day but still need something healthy to drink during a meeting?  

Easy, try out EasyTea®! Enjoy the top of range Chinese Tea at a touch of a coffee machine.  

We believe that Great Tea Makes Easy

Easy to get, easy to make, easy to enjoy the sense of relaxation and joyful that a great tea offers, easy to enjoy the health and wellness that a great tea rendered.  

To create more convenience and trending way of enjoying tea, we compelled to formulate tea leaves into capsules from a touch of an espresso coffee machine!  

Isn't it COOL by getting a perfect cup of TEA from a coffee machine in a few seconds?  

Traditional tea brewing or other tea-making machine need steeping time of 3-5 minute, while a perfect cup of tea from a coffee machine just in seconds.  

The capsules  

It is made in Singapore by an Italian company with more than 100-year of experience in espresso coffee under stringent food regulation of Singapore.

The body of the capsule is of biodegradable materials, environment-friendly.  

The formula  

Phase 1: We have completed 4 Know-how formula, being Fermented PuEr tea, raw PuEr tea, Black tea and Osmanthus black tea in capsules. They are ready to be launched.  

Phase 2: A series of International award-winning tea, also ready to be launched in Kickstarter, once the project goes live.

The brand

EasyTea® is registered in Singapore.  

The espresso machine  

The branded espresso machine with a limited warranty is manufactured by a reliable factory.  

During our survey done, the most popular choice of Reward is the S$168 package, comes with this machine worth $168.  Grab it before it’s gone.    

About the Plan  

This a PRE-Order. 

We have quality tea, intellectual properties, operation systems, and our dedicated team ready with no additional costs. 

The delivery  

It will be before the end of January 2019, taking into consideration of Christmas and New Year holidays. The production and delivery plan is about 30-45 days.

You will receive YOUR tea capsules before Chinese New Year!  


Everyone has a dream during Childhood. Mine is about caring for people, from the heart. 

Drinking tea is in my culture and tea has great health benefits. I want to share the joy of drinking tea with everyone. 

However, in Singapore sweeten soft drinks and coffee with sugar are more popular, as a result, our Prime Minister urged to take action against diabetes in National Rally 2017.  

As a Chinese tea specialist with great tea collections, we are committed to making tea easily available ready to drink, and the health benefits that tea can bring to you.  

How do you think Great Tea Make Easy

In fact, behind the scene, it is all about caring for YOU!

We care for you because you are the one who pursues your dream regardless of any difficulties;  

We care for you because you care about your health and wellness;  

We care for you because you also care for the environment;  

We care for you because you also care for others!



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