Daetea (Da Yi) Shou PuEr teacake 7572-301 红大益普洱熟茶 2003 Round Red label
Daetea (Da Yi) Shou PuEr teacake 7572-301 红大益普洱熟茶 2003 Round Red label

Daetea (Da Yi) Shou PuEr teacake 7572-301 红大益普洱熟茶 2003 Round Red label

Regular price $288.00 Sale price $476.00


Nearly 20 years Shou PuEr benchmark formula, vintage in Singapore.

Daetea (da yi) 7572 fermented PuEr tea cake is the benchmark formula that offers sophisticated aromas and sweet aftertaste dark PuEr tea. First batch produced in 2003.


红大益 旧款 圆大益商标!7572 是熟茶的标杆配方,是一九七五年大益研制成功,较8592 更优秀;滋味醇和,甜味显,时间的香气,清香、糯香、陈香、木香并存。该茶冲泡后汤色红浓明亮,香气浓郁,回甘。

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